Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 5: Living the life of the rich & famous

Blogged by Keni

Well today was a glimpse of the high roller life. We stayed at a very nice hostel on the outskirts of Nice last night and fell asleep with a little pillow talking with our bunk mates from Princeton & Vanderbuilt. However, once we finally turned the lights off around 2:30 the noise from the hang out area of the hostel was out of control. I finally fell asleep around 5 am when a man finished telling some girl his very sad life story bawling. Along with that our bunk mates were snoring so the morning broke after about 2 hours of sleep! Nonetheless, by 9 were ready to enjoy the Nice beach! We headed down to the rocky beach and had an incredible day of lounging, collecting glass made by the ocean (well at least court, Brooke, & Bdill did-excited to yalls craft), and swam in the glorious blue ocean! It was a more than perfect kind of day!

We then enjoyed an amazing lunch of pizza, pasta, and of coarse bread, bread and more bread!! The ultimate staple for a budgeted backpacker, but of coarse you have to ad our ultimate favorite balsamic...everything is better with just a tidbit of balsamic. After enjoying a perfect lunch outside in the main square we headed back to the hostel to glam up for a night out in Monte Carlo.

We took a train into the glitzy town full of Aston Martins, Maubaches, & Bentleys only followed by their million upon million dollar yachts. At one moment you are enthralled by the wealth of these people and at the next disgusted by the huge amounts of money that they don't seem to know what to do with. We walked around the pier exhibiting all the boats and then headed up to the a grassy area looking over the sunset setting over the water and enjoyed a bottle of wine. Well 4 of us did. Let's just say Court & Sarah enjoyed something more closely related to juice considering the label that said "sin alcohol" however they didn't quite realize why it tasted so sweet and juicy until they were pretty much done with the bottle.

We then walked along the streets where we saw private party after private party with cameras escorting them. It was quite the dazzling life. We finally made our way into the Monte Carlo Casino which was stunning with exquisite chandeliers and decor. Most of us were unsuccessfully, but bdill definitely came out with a little extra cash!

We then processed back on the last train to Nice and had quite the sleepover!

2 to a twin bed! Nothing like a slumber party with our besties!

Absolutely loving Nice & the south of France! We are all relaxed and extremely content...

Wishing you were all drinking a Monaco and relaxing on beech with us!



  1. From the pictures I've seen already, I'm impressed how much you managed to fit in your bags and the way that you're using the clothes you brought--fashionistas haha

  2. Girls, you are all adorable! So great to see you guys enjoying your escapades. Looking forward to see more posts about your exciting trips in the future.
