Well today was one of those crazy travel days! We set out alarms to wake up at 7:15 for our 7:42am train ride to Ventimilagio but naturally it didn't quite work. We woke up at more like 7:30 and grabbed our bags and ran to the train station. We caught a train to Ventimilagio and then to Genova and on to our little Riomaggiore. We arrived around 4pm and got off the train and headed up the very steep road to our hostel or so we thought. When we got there there was a note that said be back in a bit. When the woman finally arrived she said she has upgraded us from a 11 person dorm to a 4 person apt. So we walked out the door back down the hill to apparently meet an old man named Antonio who would board us. A little sketched out, but Sure enough a cute little old man appeared around the corner and we begun our hike to the top of an apartment to a room that has one bed and 2 cots mismatched with a lot of antique furniture. The most hilarious part was the bathroom closet that contained an instant toilet, sink, and shower all in one. Brilliant idea haha you just close the door that has the sink on it and there ya are peeing, showering, and brushing teeth all at once. But the room did have a very nice terrace.
Once we threw down our bags we headed to the rocky coast for a glass of wine and a snack which was a mixture of a quesadilla and panini with cheese and that cold ham meat that I can't seem to remember the name of. The little cafe had a great view overlooking the endless sea of blue. We then explored the stores of the town where bdill got a local linen white shirt and Kenz purchased a copper and turquoise bracket. I am attempting to not shop (mom-so far i am succeeding :))
At the store called Hacunna Matatta we met a Canadian woman there who had been on vacation in the town and had met a local man and married him and moved from Canada to live with her husband here full time. Kenz was all over this and Doug & Jill should be quite concerned with her and the Italian babe she is dreaming of. Singlelady is on the prowl for Mr Ciao Bello. We left the store headed to seafood dinner which we split to entrées (one including a complete fish with eyeballs & everything-pretty fresh if you ask me) and in budgeting fashion we had at least 6 pieces of bread each with of coarse our added touch of balsamic in order to ensure that our large Italian appetites were satisfied. We then bought a bottle of wine and headed to the rocky shore line to enjoy the sunset in our private cove with a little bit of skinny dipping in the Mediterranean as the sun set over the ocean and cliffs. One of my favorite evenings yet.

We then headed to the little "bar" aka the outside wifi cafe were apparently everyone goes after 9 pm across our apt and met some very friendly and funny south Africans as we discussed life, politics, our faith, ect...we our loving meeting people from all over the world. It is so interesting to hear everyones views and how our lives in each country differ. One of their families even owned a Christmas Cracker company...I will tell Glad where to order them from cuz apparently he picks out great toys and makes up the jokes for them. We finally went back to our apt to find we had another roommate who was from NYC and traveling Europe by herself for 12 weeks...I can't even imagine doing that but it has been fun to get to know her as well. Life sure isn't too shabby over on the Italian coast! Tomorrow we take on the hike!
One of the most incredible things about this trip for me is the different ways you get to experience and enjoy God. I think one thing that I have learned is how distracted we get in the states and where we put our time. With TV shows to look forward to or we are just always thinking about the next thing and what we have to do... But here, we have no TV, I have no idea what is going on the Bachlorette nor have any clue what is filling the news back home, or a cell phone to constantly check messages or play games and no one seems to care about time. With all that gone, I have been able to experience a deep need for Jesus and have my quiet times on a mountain or somewhere in His gorgeous creation to look forward to in a way I haven't in a while. To truly crave time alone with the Lord is such an enjoyment and l am learning to spend time just enjoying Jesus. The more you experience our God, the more you see His goodness! Today in Jesus Calling it said it so well, "Rest in me a while. You have journeyed up a steep, rugged path in recent days. The way ahead is shrouded in uncertainty. Look neither behind you or before you. Instead, focus your attention on Me, your constant companion. Trust that I will equip You fully for whatever awaits you on your journey."
Missing my man so much, but then again who wouldn't miss going on adventures like alligator hunting in the bayou with this?

Location:Riomaggiore, Italy
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