After a much needed night of sleep, we woke up in our Pizza Hostel knowing today would be quite an adventure. We pack up and rang for a cab because we knew we did not have it in us to do the 2 mile walk back to train-station with 35 lbs on our back. When he dropped us off we gave him the "flat rate" that the hostel had told us but he begins yelling at us in Italian, which happens to be quite frightening. So we gave him 2 extra euros, grabbed our bags and ran to the station. We hopped on a little crowded train and headed through Pompeii and on to Sorrento. Apparently on Fridays all the bus drivers go on strike and do not drive so when we got off we found a very kind woman to help us get on a boat to Positano! We enjoyed a marvelous Hawaiian pizza along the coast, which Kenz and I have been trying to figure out why the pizza down here is so good. I think it has something to do with the sauce and how liquidy it is. It is really just unreal! We then walked around the coast and found a lovely bench to camp on til Our boat arrived. Kenz, being the rebel thy she is, broke big rules and jumped a fence to enjoy one small patch of grass...

Life in the Almalphi is sure a good one. The people do love to take solo modeling shots so naturally, trying to fit in with the Italians, we followed suit! I mean it doesn't matter how old you are here...I've even tried to ask to take a picture of two people but they say no and go on switching off different model poses; some smiling, some not and always changing leg placement. Apparently the key is chest out and to try to get your hair to blow in the wind. We are working on perfection. New Facebook profile pic is in the works bahaha...We just doing out best to fit in here...next step darken hair, pick up cigarettes, go topless, & no need to shave ... On second thought I think well just stick to standing out as 100% blonde American girls!
We finally boarded to ferry boat to Positano and were astonished by what we saw. I mean literally the most beautiful place ever. Just cliff after cliff with little town built on it. Instantly in love.

We pulled into the boat stop of the port and our next challenge was to find a way to the hostel, as our directions were from the bus stop! Thankfully, we met a girl who was going to the same hostel and she helped us find the stairs going to the hostel. The entire town is built on a mountain, so there's really nowhere to go from the port but up stairs... with backpacks on. Soooo... We proceeded to lug our packs up stairs to find our hostel!

But when we got to the top, the view was worth it!!

We ate dinner at Saraceno d'Oro with our Canadian friend who had helped us find our hostel- the people at the restaurant were so nice and gave us free lemoncello!! Would recommend that restaurant to anyone going to Positano.
We ended the night by playing cards with the people at our hostel out on the patio. The patio is quite the gathering place here, and judging from our view I'm sure you can understand why!!
Location:Almalphi Coast
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