Today we claimed as an adventure day. We woke up ready to be athletic and take on a hike along the cliffs. We bused up to Nochelle and begun one of the most scenic hikes ever. Here is a little preview...

Our hike ended in the town Prahina. However, we did manage to get quite a bit lost on the way down. We ended up in vineyards and abandoned houses. One turn we took into brush up to out waist and a man in camo was standing there. A little creeped out, we picked up our pace and eventually ended up in Prahina. From there we took a bus to the town of Almalphi and there the Lord blessed us with incredible new friends! As we are trying to find a bus up to Ravello, a couple approaches Kenz in her AMC shirt and asks if she goes to Texas A & M. Turns out that they are UT grads who are on their honeymoon around Italy. Not only that but Elizabeth and Cori Dickie are just the best of friends and she had just been in her wedding. Beyond that she also went to high school with chases sister and there are a million and one connections! We all finally figure out how to get on the bus and take this hilarious tour bus up the mountain because you never know when the buses will ever work here. Hit or miss on the bus strikes. I always swore I would never take one of these tour buses, but desperate times call for desperate measures...

Our new precious newlywed friends, Brett & Elizabeth Taaffe, not only paid for us to take the bus, but also directed us to the most amazing restaurant in Ravello, that if anyone ever plans to come up here, they must eat at. It's name is Trattoria Pizzeria Cumna Cozimo. We had free bread and tomatoes and ordered a test pasta dish of all their favorite pastas. Absolutely amazing! they then brought us out a free slice of Tiramasu which was obviously to die for. We are under the assumption that due to our sweaty work out clothes, they thought us to be quite poor. Or maybe it was the fact we both accidentally used the mens restroom where they were yelling at us in Italian. Nonetheless, one of our favorite restaurants yet.

As we are walking around Ravello we both realize that a washroom is necessary. We finally found one and paid 1 Euro in order to use it but don't worry it had opera music playing and a man to dry our hands. What more could you want while using the Lu?
We then waited at the bus stop to get us on back to Almalphi. Not a bad wait when this is your view...

On our way back to the hostel, Kenz and I had to basically body surf off the bus at our stop. Like I have never been on a bus so packed especially when the bus drivers are crazy. They must hit atleast 5 things a day. But naturally while cruising slam packed thru the cliffs he had justin beebs blaring! Never say never...
Well the food somehow just keeps getting better and better. For our last night in our beloved Almalphi Coast, we took a recomindation from our hostel and headed up the clifftip to a restrauaunt called da Constantino. Somehow everyone here gives us free things. Tonight it was unreal Brushette and of coarse a shot of Limoncella.

Not a shabby view from our table, eh?
We then headed back to hostel, played some Dutch blitz, and packed up to get ready for are long travel day. As sad as we are to leave this beautiful place, we are well aware we have more incredible places to come! George Clooneys villa in Lake Como here we come!
Location:Almalphi Coast
What a great day--I am living vicariously through you here! Good luck with the day of travels!