So Kenz an I have this theory that all the good looking men seem to be boat drivers and fishermen in Italy. It never fails. My team is full of them. Looks like if we we are going to fall in love with an Italian man we'd be poor fishermen wives.
This morning we woke up and had toast and coffee with some new friends. One guy was from northern Ireland, and the girls from Canada. One Canadian told us about her horrific time in Australia with ex convicts and racist people. Quite the bad experience apparently. Nonetheless I still love the Aussies and want to visit their island. She explained her time there as the equivalent to slavery.
Today we decided to buy an all day ferry pass and go visit each of the small towns on the lake as we shop, eat, and enjoy the incredible views. This lake is just gorgeous with all these quaint towns on the cliffs surrounding it. Has a bit of a Starbucks fill with the rustic yellow and oranges covering the buildings.
First stop: the infamous Belaggio. Here we ate incredible gelatto at 11 am, had a lunch over a gorgeous view, and shopped at store after store. I managed to come away with a sun hat and necklace from Milan that I love! In one of the shops we were in a woman in broken up english said she liked my butterfly necklace and then before i could even say thank you, she had ripped up her shirt to show me her huge butterfly tattoo that covered the whole side of her body. What a shocker. We also met this little old man who worked at a shoe place who very adamantly ordered us to never touch his shoes. Some funny little guys here. We then processed to use our all day ferry pass and cruise through all the little quaint town along the Lake. We managed to cover Varenna, Menaggio, Cabenabbia, Bellagio, s. Giovanni, Villa Carlotta, Tremezzo, and Lenno. Quite a successful day. We even managed to say a little hello to George Clooney in his ridiculous lakeside mansion...

We came back to our little town and ordered take out pizza and set on our little beach scoffing it down. Somehow we both our hungry all the time here...the amount of food we can take down should be some kind of record. I get that we are probably exorcising a lot more, but i can't afford the amount of food my body is constantly hungry for. We then spent the evening playing cards on on a patio overlooking the lake enjoying good convo before calling it a night.
Goodnight Italia!
Location:Lake Como, Italy
Woah you went to a bunch of places in one day! Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures