Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 22: Munich, Germany

Blogged by: Kenzie

Today we said goodbye to the country and headed to the city- Munich, Germany!

We hopped on a train to Munich and talked to a couple from Yorkshire, England all the way to Salzburg. We asked about the royal wedding of course, and we
All gawked over Kate middleton. They told me not to worry- I still
Have a chance with Harry.

A note about Zell am See is that about 90% of the tourists there are Arab. Keni and I have been trying to figure out why everyone from the Middle East all decided to come to this one town for holiday. Well, our Yorkshire friends told us that in the Koran it talks about a town with mountains with snow and a lake and so that's why all the Arab people come to Zell am See. Who woulda guessed!!

Everyone thinks keni and I are dutch- we don't know why! On the train a girl came up to us smiling and talking in Dutch- she asked us if we spoke dutch and we said no and then she just kept smiling and started waving at us- very strange situation that we have no explanation for.

Loving Wombats hostel in Munich! Quite the high tech place with fancy shmancy lockers that lock when u press ur key on them- we b livin highhhh classsssss

We threw our stuff down and headed out to see the city and find the meeting spot for Mikes Bike Tour. Have to pat ourselves on the back for deciding to do the tour because in 4 hours a city that was overwhelming and confusing became one we can't wait to explore. I actually like this city wayyyy more than I was expecting! It's walkable and is chalk full of history- the bike tour gave us a bit of an overview on the history which helped because neither of us really had known who exactly Ludwig was or why he has a Castle. On our tour we road through the residenz, the royal gardens (where musicians have to pay €200 and sit in front of judges panel to be allowed to play), marienplaz, the isar river, the yellow brick road, the English garden, and Max Joseph plaza. If we have time I'm dying to take a tour of the Residenz, the palace!

The bike tour stopped for dinner at a beer garden and keni and I were so German in our dinner choice- we shared a huge pretzel, a white brautwirst, potatoes and chicken. probably will be my last brautwirst here, but hey I did it!!

After the tour we went to the most famous beer hall in Munich- the hauffbrau house. It used to be only for Royals, but now us commoners are allowed in. We shared a table with some men from Marseilles (we held our tongues about our Marseilles experience) and ordered our beer. To my surprise they only sell their beer in liters!! I got laughed at when I tried to order less. Our waiter was quite the character- I insulted him though when he told me I look like a German woman. I asked him if that was a compliment or an insult and looked at me shocked and said "a compliment!! Are you INSULTED to look like the women of my country??!" woops.. Then he told us he wanted to leave work and come hang out so he made me get up from the table and kick him in the shin so he could be injured... I didn't quite know how to handle that situation.

The english garden is this awesome park that's 300 acres bigger than central park where all the Munich university students hang out- Keni and I want to go try and fit in there tomorrow.

This is the first place in Europe where I have seen joggers! Everyone rides their bikes around and walks their dogs. I'm telling you- all anyone told me about this city is "beer beer beer," and while I have seen quite a lot of beer there's seriously so much more here!!

Inside the old royal residence there is a courtyard that gives incredible acoustics. Tonight there was a Cuban band playing, and keni and I walked over after the hauffbrau House to see if we could hear the music from the outside. The concert was just getting out, but we did watch the German people walk out all dressed up and we could walk into the hall to just sit and look around.

Great day in Munich!!

Miss you all,

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